Vaccination of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare came to get vaccinated.

Nurse: Which  arm? 
Shakespeare: _As You Like It_
Nurse: Was that painful? 
Shakespeare: _Much Ado About Nothing_ 
Nurse: You will have to have a second jab. 
Shakespeare: _Measure For Measure_ 
Nurse: So what do you think of the general awareness with regard to Covid?
Shakespeare: _Comedy Of Errors_
Nurse: I heard your wife Anne decided to get vaccinated in the company of her friends?
Shakespeare: _The Merry Wives of Windsor_
Nurse: Did you try convincing her?
Shakespeare: _Love's Labour Lost_
Nurse: Wouldn't she listen to you?
Shakespeare: _A Midsummer Night's Dream_
Nurse: So what happened at the other vaccination centre?
Shakespeare: _The Tempest_
Nurse: But it worked out?
Shakespeare: _The Taming Of The Shrew_
Nurse: So it is okay then?
Shakespeare: _All's Well That Ends Well_ 

Shakespeare:  Will I've any adverse effects?

Nurse:. Wait until _*The Twelfth Night*_ 
